EZ Learn Chinese School
Mission Statement
EZ Learn Chinese School, a 501C non-profit organization, established in 2005, is dedicated to providing an excellent learning environment in learning Chinese language and culture via distance learning or traditional classrooms; Promoting the appreciation of Chinese culture and arts; Enhancing cultural exchange; and Supporting local community multicultural programs and activities.
Course 課程
Performance 表演
Teacher’s Training 教師培訓
Mayer’s E-learning Principles 多媒體教學設計理論
E-learning Design Principle (part 1) (Mayer’s E-learning principles – 1. Multimedia Principle) https…
Online Technology Tool for Foreign Language Teacher
Fundraising 籌款
翡翠緬甸玉, 色澤光潤, 無雜質3.5 x 2 x 1.5毫米, 中國古代風水學者認為貔貅是轉禍為祥的吉瑞之獸, 傳說貔貅除了開運、辟邪的功效之外,還有鎮宅、化太歲、促姻緣等作用。貔貅代表…
翡翠玉獅子項鍊($100 起價)
Sold 翡翠緬甸玉,色澤光亮溫潤, 雕刻成的祥獅踩球, 代表有求必應,招財進寶, 驅邪避災。
天然古玉項鍊($160 起價)
古色古香的花青色古玉, 雕刻成玉米象徵五穀豐登歲歲平安。
翡翠緬甸玉, 結構細膩緻密的淡翠綠3 x 4.5毫米的玉觀音玉珮, 項鍊部分由一串緬甸玉珠連結,除了高貴,更有護身平安之吉兆。 翡翠緬甸玉, 結構細膩緻密的淡翠綠3 x 4.5毫米的玉觀音玉珮, 項鍊…