Chinese YoYo 扯鈴
The Chinese Yo-Yo, also called a diabolo, is the Chinese equivalent to the western yo-yo. This toy includes two sticks tied together with a string and a spool. The point of the game is to keep the spool spinning and prevent it from hitting the ground. When spun up, the spool will create a mysterious whirling sound. Traditionally played by youngsters as a form of entertainment; this ancient sport has a long history traced even to the Ming dynasty. Presently, this device is generally performed for major Chinese festivals or holidays such as the Chinese New Year.
Shuttercocok 踢毽子
The Chinese Yo-Yo, also called a diabolo, is the Chinese equivalent to the western yo-yo. This toy includes two sticks tied together with a string and a spool. The point of the game is to keep the spool spinning and prevent it from hitting the ground. When spun up, the spool will create a mysterious whirling sound. Traditionally played by youngsters as a form of entertainment; this ancient sport has a long history traced even to the Ming dynasty. Presently, this device is generally performed for major Chinese festivals or holidays such as the Chinese New Year.
Jumping Rope 跳繩
The Chinese Yo-Yo, also called a diabolo, is the Chinese equivalent to the western yo-yo. This toy includes two sticks tied together with a string and a spool. The point of the game is to keep the spool spinning and prevent it from hitting the ground. When spun up, the spool will create a mysterious whirling sound. Traditionally played by youngsters as a form of entertainment; this ancient sport has a long history traced even to the Ming dynasty. Presently, this device is generally performed for major Chinese festivals or holidays such as the Chinese New Year.